"We require faith in public order, and faith in the ability and the duty of citizens to influence the life of their society through conscious, responsible actions." -- Indeed. Something sadly lacking over here (America) as well as elsewhere. Although everything is politicized, almost no one thinks they can affect the development and course of the polity. So in spite of the noise, there is an apathy on one side and nihilism, another form of apathy, on the other.

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I am an ignorant Westerner, but I do not see an "apolitical" Russia. You are a highly educated and successful culture these days. There is a freshness of thought never expressed in the past 40 years...and believe me, many people in my country are stuck there. They still believe you are "Soviets". They believe you are genocidal imperialists that wish to usurp the West, and only eat blini and sour cream. Your President and his staff may be of a different culture, but they do love Mother Russia. Our leaders only love power, wealth and notoriety. When the realization hits that your currency is now very valuable and that your leaders are seeking a multipolar, equitable world, Russians will take pride in what they have sacrificed for and successfully built. Thank you for your thought and contribution. Much success in the future!

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Fascinating analysis - I suspect the politics of apathy have wide application across the globe.

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