Americans were concerned about Vietnam because people -- they or their relatives -- were being drafted to fight the war. While people didn't like the adventures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and so on, the wars didn't seem to affect them materially so there was no outburst of resistance as with Vietnam. I imagine the same is true of Russia and other participants and bystanders of the Special Military Operation. The economic dislocations to come and the deterioration of American political culture may turn out to be a different matter.

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There is a similar problem in the United States. Most people, particularly retired public workers, on pensions, are homeowners and their lives have not been affected much by the pandemic lockdowns or the Special Operation in Ukraine. The mainstream media is telling people one propagandized story but the internet is telling SEVERAL different propaganda stories. We tend to believe the propaganda that has a satisfactory 'happy' ending and American with half a brain no longer get their news from normal channels; no TV, not even the New York Times. I have to leave this here but hope to return to this thread because finding out the 'truth' is of great interest to me

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