You're stupid. Listen to Douglas Macgregor on YouTube or read "The Gathering Storm". Listen to Scott Ritter or Jeffrey Sachs. Russians are winning 10 to 1. Mr. Z is a criminal, killing Russian Ukrainians, Catholics, nuns and priests. He's kidnapping 14–16-year-olds and 40+ year olds to go to their deaths. He has thousands of fake Americans posing as Ukrainians and using western weapons because the US is depleted. And now he wants American and European soldiers? No Where do you get your information? From the MSM government propaganda B.S. machine that the American people don't listen to because of their lies and not reporting on real news? Russia doesn't need China. China needs Russia for their weapons. Lying Joe Biden is sending us into WWIII and global annihilation. The US does not support lying Biden. And look at France and Canada leaders fighting for their power. And the UK has just gone through 3 Premiers in less than a year. 🤡

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Everything you say is in large part true. However the author of this piece makes valid observations about the criminal negligence on display in the Russian command of late and over the past two decades. As a result they are in serious trouble. Believe me, I don’t like saying so, because I have feelings and I despise the people you mention probably at least as much as you do if not moreso.

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And then upstream, at the source, of all this conflict, is the arrogant and grasping West. Calling the conflict back from the dead then continuously breathing life into it with weapons, money, and the most overwhelming propaganda machine in the history of man. Yet, this too, will eventually fail. Disequilibrium will have its day.

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I get it. The west is led by ghouls so low that Count Dracula wouldn't allow them to serve without pay or benefits as tasters for his next breakfast, lunch or dinner of innocent human blood drawn from slain virgins.

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Watch Hindu Times on YouTube.

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If the 'Russians are winning 10 to 1.' they are taking a remarkably long time to actually win. Almost like they aren't winning '10 to 1'. Almost like they aren't winning.

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300,000 dead, wounded, or missing Ukrainians and do we count the Russian Ukrainians Mr. Z massacred and the Catholics, nuns and priest too that he stole their property from. Lying Joe pulling the puppet strings an Mr. Z is asking for American and British troops now. That's too far. But Mr. Z is kidnapping 14–16-year-olds sending them to the Russian meat grinder to die within hours. How do you calculate that? And lying Joe won't allow peace talks even China has asked for so there goes 200,000 more lives. There you go.

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If the Ukrainian loses were that high then Russia would have won by now, instead they are stuck in a quagmire, unable to take an obscure town like Bakhmut, despite their best efforts. Reality shows us that those figures are not correct.

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No, everyone is stuck in a foot of mud. The ground needs to freeze. Ukraine has the most fertile soil in the world. Unfortunately, it's 1 foot deep. Both sides are stuck. We shall wait for spring or the ground to freeze. And if Ukraine is so "successful" then why is Mr. Z asking for British and American troops? And the UK sending depleted Uranium ammo that is known to cause generational cancer, leukemia, and birth defects. So democratic. I don't just watch Hindustan Times. I listen to independent news sources that all same the same thing. I.E. Douglas Macgregor, Col. and Redacted, etc.

Watch YouTube "Dialogue Works" Episode: "The US dominance is Gone | Geoffrey Young". Victoria Nuland and the CIA overthrew the Ukrainian neutral Government in 2014 and turned it into a NATO base and put in a puppet government with the CIA, State Dept, and Pentagon and large groups of heavily armed Ukrainian Nazis along with other countries to use to campaign to attack Russia using Ukraine as a proxy state to weaken Russia. It's an Imperialist Project. It's Biden who won't allow peace because of his arrogance and 300,000 Ukrainian lives are dead, wounded, or missing. And he's done what no other President have ever accomplished to our detriment. Unite China and Russia, drop the dollar for yuan and ruble and giving oil to India and China and other countries that are prospering while we self-implode.

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Amusing that you think McGregor is 'independent. You just listen to sources that confirm your own bias.

In the meantime, Russia is stuck in a quagmire more than a year after invading Ukraine. Which is pretty strong proof that they are not inflicting casualties at a rate of 10 to 1. Do you really, honestly believe such nonsense?

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Maybe you out to watch Hindustan Times on YouTube. Give you a feel for what's going on. MSM is government propaganda B.S. No critical thinking American watches it.

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I'll skip the 'Hindustan Times', if I want to get Russian propaganda I'll go straight to RT.

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At the level of Great Powers, and those who unfortunately become entangled in their affairs, that is, of Realpolitik, consideration of any sort of normal morality applicable to the behavior of ordinary persons is irrelevant. All that matters is power. In the case of the US, we can observe this in the overt, explicit statements of our famous neocons. I am less familiar with Russian politics, but I am pretty sure the structures of power are pretty much the same there. That is, except for some decor, we are observing capitalists and mafias at work.

Having observed the disastrous outcomes of World Wars 1 and 2, it is possible that these mafias have learned something from reading history and don't want to win. This would explain the the poor showing (poor from a media point of view) of the present belligerents: they don't want to win, since winning would entail occupation, intensified ethnic hatred, and guerrilla warfare. It is enough to create enough death and destruction to let the world know one is still in the game and thus retain one's big-deal, bad-ass repute. This sort of thing will continue as long as people continue to play the mafias' games. The day may come when they will demand something better, but apparently that day has not yet arrived.

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>> Zelensky is also guilty of the current bloodshed

Yes - how could we forget that on February 24th 2022, Zelensky launched an all out invasion of Russia. Combined force arms were used to significantly degrade the military and harm civilian life.

Wait... none of that happened you say? It was only filthy Russian orks and their supporters that infiltrated Ukrainian soil? The Russian aboutism never ceases to amaze me. Whether its this form of diahrea writing or some other form of excuse, Russians always find a way to blame someone else for their ills.

To the author - I hope you're prolific, I hope you're articles are published far and wide so that everyone can see what a nominally repentant Russian looks like. It is literally impossible for you cretins to take responsibility for your actions, for your last 20 years of being ruled by conmen and criminals. This continuing attitude will only set back Russians another few centuries.

Just maybe, by the time the rest of civilization is ready to join the Cosmos; Russian can finally get indoor plumbing so that don't feel the need to steal their neighbors toilets.

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You obviously very confused. You need to replace the word "Russia" with "Joe Biden" or "The American Government". I know. I've lived in it for 65 years and my family has fought in every war since WWII. Joe is a liar and corrupt criminal. He is fighting a proxy war using Ukrainian lives against Russia with no room for peace talks. Sane Americans refuse to watch MSM government propaganda B.S. We are the bully who steal resources and are full of arrogance and hubris telling other countries how to rule their lives. How many CIA coups have we been involved with that never worked with our puppet? Mr. Z is only told what to do by lying Joe Biden.

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Back in the lair troll.

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You're not a Russian Dissident, you're just another gopnik looking for a different daddy.

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The comments here are frankly bizarre.

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I agree the soldiers should be pointing their weapons at those who send them to the front lines in this and any other conflicts, but if you think western oligarchs did not fuel this conflict and will sit quietly on the sideline if both these regimes fall then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

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It would be great if Russians could rise up and get rid of Putin. But like you said, the reality of that happening is about zilch. Watching how things have unfolded over the past two decades, you can see a lot of similarities to world politics in the 1920s and 1930s where brutal fascists rose from the ashes of colonialism and failed democracies.

It amazes me that so few in the US take note of how Putin plays the long game of authoritarianism. It's as if they've forgotten he was born out of and molded by the KGB. I mean come on, he's tossing Oligarchs and ministers out of high rise windows in order to keep them all in line with his madness, while also drafting teenagers and old men for his war. These are the acts of a desperate dictator at the end of his rope. Yet there are those in the US who think we should let Trump back in office so he can make nicey-nice with old Vlad. For what? So that we can all go skipping happily into a fascist, environmentally destroyed future where Oligarchs and Billionaires are the only ones who aren't slitting each other throats over spoiled food and polluted water?

To hell with that future!

Putin and his ilk (I'm looking at you Trump, Orban, Xi, and assorted others) need to be stopped from their mad game of Risk.

While I'm no fan of the US spending ourselves into ridiculous military budgets, at the cost of everything else in this country, someone has to force Putin's hand to broker a peace agreement. Since he only understands thuggish "big stick" politics, it's only a bigger stick that will force him to a peace agreement.

Then again, if the rumors are true and he's got cancer and doesn't give a damn about the world, then there's no reasonable way to deal with a dictator with a death wish.

Which means we'll have a very dark future ahead of us all no matter which side we're on.

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Vladimir Putin was born to an apparatchik family, but not KGB. They were not wealthy, and he took odd jobs while studying and eventually achieving a degree in business law. He worked as a lawyer for the agency, but he was not an agent. This conflict is one of great importance for Russia's sovereignty as a nation, and recruiting efforts have resulted in an imbalance of poorer and imprisoned troops. The sadness is that most Russians and Ukrainians never hated each other. Now, they may. Zelensky is just another oligarch in camo and only cares about generating cash. Vladimir Putin is a successful leader that has aligned Russia with China, India, Brazil and even Iran and other oil producing nations. South and Central America are looking at options. Any casualty is too many, but the U.S. is strafing earthquake damaged eastern Syria -- more death for what? China is currently making overtures for peace negotiations, but Ukraine will let the U.S. turn down another opportunity. Like it or not, Mother Russia has changed the course of our world's economy and geopolitical future. However, all the lives lost weigh heavy in the balance.

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Agreed. All are playing power struggles without considering the cost on the wider picture of the whole Earth and its future. The US is foolishly thinking it will remain a world power by the end of the century, but it won't. Not if we keep playing the two party system that caters to the wealthy and the multinational corporations, who foolishly think money is more important than the world their wealth sits on. And honestly the US increasing military expenditures and bases around the world will only speed up the country's demise. History has shown us again and again that empires from the Roman to the USSR always collapse when they value war more than stability.

Meanwhile, Oil producing nations are contributing to dooming the whole planet as the politicians play militaristic power games with one another.

Such overall shortsighted stupidity that will end in wars over resources was sadly predicted in the 1980s, but yet none of the old men that lead us bothered to take note.

I'm not a fan of any world leader at the moment, but when it comes to Putin let me plainly say that he's thug, same as any other thug fascist. I'm not splitting hairs over his upbringing but his actions speak to his motives.

Any true leader would welcome the opinions of ALL citizens. But instead he imprisons, or worse, poisons and kills, his political opponents, jails political activists, persecutes certain racial groups, jails LBTQ folks for their just being born that way, and forces people to fight in an idiotic war, or face jail, or worse. He's a thug the same as Trump, Xi, Modi, Assad, The Supreme Leader of Iran, Orban, Giammattei, etc.

All are men that use fear and are fearful of their own citizenry. Again, history has shown us these kinds of leaders never put a nation on sustainable course.

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Vladimir Putin did take a massive land mass, sparsely populated, from devastation to a world economic and geopolitical leader. Our old men can barely get their syllables correct. The sheer populations and commodity wealth of the BRICS countries, whether their leaders are thugs or not, will define our future.

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There is a regime in Moscow, there is a government in Kiev. Like it or not, the invasion has strengthened Zelensky's political position significantly. Your conclusion therefore appears to make zero sense.

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ha, ha, ha, ha...now that's funny! He'll be tried for war crimes, so he better buy a suit. Is it just me or does he have that "deer in the headlights" look now. He's postures because he believes lying Joe Biden, but the US is broke, broke, broke, and we have depleted weapons. All that's left are nukes. Last time I saw Moscow, it didn't look like a war zone. It looked like a flourishing city.

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Poor peoples children fight war.

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In war, arms is wealth. By that standard, Russia is rich. See https://aaronlee.substack.com/p/one-trillion-dollars-in-2023-how

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OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! Please Watch YouTube "Dialogue Works" Episode: "The US dominance is Gone | Geoffrey Young". Victoria Nuland and the CIA overthrew the Ukrainian neutral Government in 2014 and turned it into a NATO base and put in a puppet government with the CIA, State Dept, and Pentagon and large groups of heavily armed Ukranian Nazis along with other countries to use to campaign to attack Russia using Ukraine as a proxy state to weaken Russia?!! It's an Imperialist Project and I feel like I'm going to be sick! OMG!! We have blood on our hands. Please God, forgive us and let Russia win this war! Please stop my tears and forgive me for my shame in being an American. Please share!!

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