No worries, Folks! Mother Earth is in the process of conducting her 6th mass extinction, brought on by humans totally ignoring that we live on a finite planet with finite resources. The implosion/explosion/collapse of industrial societies has already begun, and when it gets too widespread to be ignored, it will be too late and billions will perish. That is, if the US/NATO and Russia don't nuke us all before the crash advances to total, violent chaos. The planet will be fine, having rid itself of its greatest malignancy.

I've been a Leftist of various stripes for over 50 years, and I have recently come to the conclusion that the most hopeful line of strategic thinking the Left could take would be an expansion on Marx' deep respect for what he called 'Primitive Communism.' We will either return to various forms of 'tribalism,' or go extinct. I know this doesn't 'answer' the particulars of the essay or the comments, but our central problem is much bigger than 'petty' politics.

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Same thing in the USA

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True in the U.S. too.

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There's precedent - the sacrifice of children to Moloch, with the Russian state playing the part of Moloch... and the pension is not a gift, it's a social insurance program funded by taxes on workers and employers: "Pension contributions

As mentioned earlier, all employees can claim a state old-age pension after eight years of paying social security. Contributions come from your earnings, as well as other social taxes:

22% of earnings under 624,000 p, and 10% of any further amounts

5.1% into mandatory federal and territorial medical insurance funds

2.9% into the social insurance fund

People born prior to 1 January 1967 contribute 14% of their state

Russian pension into a uniform social security tax and insurance. They do not pay into the accumulative part.

People born on or after 1 January 1967 contribute 7% to social security and 7% to the mandatory second pillar insurance. This is an accumulative part from asset managers that invest the fund. You can also select your own asset management company; otherwise, it goes to a state bank.

Basic retirement pensions include a pay-as-you-go system and consist of an insurance fund and a voluntary cumulative component. The benefit of voluntary contributions is that the Russian pension amounts are lifelong payments. As a result, taxes don’t apply." https://www.expatica.com/ru/finance/retirement/russian-pension-908579/#pension-rates

Perhaps the pension funds have been lost or stolen by the managers of the funds, or something. Asking the beneficiaries to sacrifice their children is a bit much.

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How do you imagine a different Russia? Somehow, your articles never state that. Have you ever been to America and seen its pensioners? Would you like some pictures?

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The America comparison you make is a misdirection, same as when Americans answer criticism on reducing life expectancy by pointing out it's worse in Mexico.

It doesn't make Russian pensioners being deprived of a decent pension better if American pensioners are also getting screwed by their rapacious government.

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The America comparison was a side remark. You failed to answer my main question tho. I have little doubt any capitalist state is bad for people. I am asking you what vision for Russia you have because the only analysis you people perform on this platform is bitter critique and complaining (plus quite a bit of misinformation, but that's what press is there for). Which produces zero results. What would you like to see in Russia? Socialism? Neo-liberalism? Western-style "democracy"? Chinese style prosperity? Back in the Worker's Paradise I grew up in, the word dissent had a different meaning.

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Are you replying to me here? I didn't write the original comment.

I'm assuming you're not intending to answer me because if you were that would be an insane tsunami of assumptions based on my short reply.

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