The measures in Kazakhstan appear to have been preparatory steps for the war initiated by Putin a couple weeks later. The protests were most likely engineered to show an example of Russia restoring order. Who ordered the increase of the price of fuel at that time and who ordered the professionals to incite the riots at that time? For what other purpose than RF could demonstrate its willingness to restore order in the former USSR space. The EU should have protested then and protested even more when Crimea was seized in 2014.

This, however, shows what a blockhead Putin is. In 2013 Ukraine was united on the path to Europe. 72% of the parliament had approved the Association Agreement with the EU that had been negotiated with the EU by the Yanukovych government. The EU was delighted to deal with Russia. France had a contract to build Mistral assault ships for Russia. If Putin had allowed Yanukovych to sign the Association Agreement Ukraine would have remained largely under the control of Russia and the Europeans would have been even more welcoming towards Russia.

Putin, however, chose to pressure Yanukovych to abandon the Association Agreement as Winter approached in 2013 without any political preparation of the Ukrainian people and its political system. Clearly Putin had to anticipate that there would be massive public demonstrations that would destabilize Ukraine and set the stage to annex Crimea and the Donbas. Yanukovych was strongly opposed to the annexation of Crimea. His power base was also the Donbas. No Russian takeover of the Donbas would be conceivable as long as Yanukovych was in power. It appears events were organized to remove Yanukovych to create conditions for the RF to seize Crimea. This has led to the present situation.

Ultranationalism was bad for Germany in the late 1930s and is bad for Russia now. Hitler was appeased until there was a breaking point. The same with Putin.

It appears that a necessary step will be to recognize that Russia now illegally holds the seat of the former USSR in the UN Security Council. In the set of December 1991 agreements that dissolved the USSR and created the Russian Federation and other newly independent states as sovereign states the other newly independent states granted Russia the right to the seat of the former USSR in the UN Security Council. These agreements committed all newly independent states to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each other and forbid the use of force. At that time Crimea was agreed to by Russia to be a part of Ukraine. Russia has not only violated the UN Charter but also the agreement that created it as a sovereign state by attacking Ukraine and seizing its territory. Logically, a key condition of the settlement of the war will be to exclude Russia from the seat of the former USSR in the Security Council that it now illegally occupies.

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That's due to the USA gov't who also tells NATO what to do. Germany wouldn't give lying Joe Biden any weapons to fight his proxy war on Russia using Ukrainian lives as fodder. So, in retaliation, he blew up Nordstream so all Europe could suffer without fuel. Who do you think tells Mr. Z "no" to peace talks? The American people hate lying Joe & his criminal & corrupt family & his criminal & corrupt government running American into destruction. He can't even run the USA & let's those who don't agree with him to suffer & die. You think he cares about the 300,000 lives killed, wounded or missing? NO! The USA is NATO that bullies every Western country telling them what to do. Even small non-western countries. But he's so full of greed, he doesn't realize no American believes him or reads his MSM propaganda B.S. lies unless they're idiots, but we have a lot of those & a lot of warmongers. Lying Blinken, warmonger turd Lindsey Graham. Look at the French who hate Macron & Trudeau in Canada and the UK has gone through 3 premiers in less than a year. Biden is nothing without the Western countries who are fools & think they need him. But look what he did to Nordstream allowing Europe to suffer and Germany to fight for their survival & the Arabs were sick of his bullying & rudeness. Many American people are with you & sympathize with you. We know the US lied & betrayed you since Clinton. You are only trying to protect your borders. And no, we know you only want Ukraine & are not trying to destroy Europe & NATO (lying Joe) only tries to use fear. But he did that with Co-Vid & people are dying from the shot that we now know him for what he is. A liar, full of greed, who doesn't care about human lives. The US is broke, & the Western countries are fools who think he has the support of the American people. We don't have a never-ending supply of money & our own weapons are depleted & our military left when they allowed drag queens. We hate them all. He has weapon & nuclear facilities everywhere, but he needs to be taught a lesson & so do all the West. Loss of goods & money will deter the Western countries to wake up their people. No one wants war except for our leaders & ignorant military. We pray for your victory. (And I don't care if you're a fake CIA, FBI, or NSA tool. You're stupid & fools if you are following your criminal leader lying & corrupt leader ruining American. And if you are, shame on you for betraying your oath to God & the American people & our country.

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There is no evidence that the US blew up the Nordstream. The gas pipeline carried no gas because the Europeans had made the decision to not buy the gas.

Russia's war against Ukraine is the result of decisions by the Kremlin. There is no proxy war in Ukraine. Russia attacked Ukraine and as a consequence Finland and Sweden, that had been neutral for decades, made the choice of joining NATO.

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Yes, there is. Who else but the well-trained US Navy Seals could do it and the US and Germany are lying about it. "It was the Russians!" No one believed it. "It was the Ukrainians!" as if they have their own Navy Seals? And Europe is suffering for it with no gas and companies are collapsing and countries are suffering. And who told them not to buy gas or he'd blow up Nordstream? Lying Joe Biden. And yes, there is a proxy war in Ukraine. Mr. Z is lying Joe Biden's puppet trying to destroy Russia. Who do you think runs NATO? USA Presidents. Listen on YouTube Douglas MacGregor Col or read his article "The Gathering Storm". Listen to Scott Ritter, Iraq/Afgan vet, author, and former CIA operative. Listen to Jeffrey Sachs. There are intelligent minds of logic and reason out there. American people don't listen to MSM government propaganda B.S. unless they're stupid, but we have plenty of those mindless lunatics that never learned critical thinking or how to think for themselves or how to read a book. I guess you're one too. 🤡

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There is no verifiable evidence that the U.S. blew up Nordstream. Since it was not carrying gas and there was no prospect of it carrying gas blowing it up would be worst than pointless. It would be a point for Russian propaganda.

Finland and Sweden have applied to join NATO for verifiable evidence of Russian aggression.

Jeffry Sachs, the architect of shock therapy that devastated the Russian economy in the early 1990s now speaks nonsense about Russia's war against Ukraine. Read - https://blogs.berkeley.edu/2023/03/20/open-letter-to-jeffrey-sachs-on-the-russia-ukraine-war/

Scott Ritter presents false information about Ukraine. Some discussion on this - https://www.quora.com/How-accurate-and-trustworthy-is-Scott-Ritter-former-US-military-analyst-and-his-professional-opinions-about-the-Ukrainian-crisis

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Oh, and our other President, Mr. O, is actually married to "Mike" and deluded the American people. But that's somehow carries more credibility? Sh*t, Hollywood is full of pedos who tell us how to live our lives and government politicians were all frequent visitors to Epstein's island. But there are no laws applied to the rich and we all know it. Yet, they still tell us how to live our lives. "Mr. Gates, you were a best friend to Mr. Epstein and visited his island 64 times. Can you give us an explanation? Um, Um, Um, well he's dead." And why did Jeffrey Epstein have a painting of Pres. Clinton on his wall sitting in a red fluffy chair in a blue dress and high heels, yet he won an Oxford scholarship. Does that make his dumb and unworthy of intelligence?

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And we elected a President that was a constant visitor to Epstein Island and a serial womanizer. What's your point? That he can't be intelligent. At least he doesn't take showers with his young daughter or feel up children like our current President.

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Sad but accurate.

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OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! Please Watch YouTube "Dialogue Works" Episode: "The US dominance is Gone | Geoffrey Young". Victoria Nuland and the CIA overthrew the Ukrainian neutral Government in 2014 and turned it into a NATO base and put in a puppet government with the CIA, State Dept, and Pentagon and large groups of heavily armed Ukranian Nazis along with other countries to use to campaign to attack Russia using Ukraine as a proxy state to weaken Russia?!! It's an Imperialist Project and I feel like I'm going to be sick! OMG!! We have blood on our hands. Please God, forgive us and let Russia win this war! Please stop me tears!!! I am ashamed to be an American!!

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Oh, for god's sake!! Look up Seymour Hersch! Berkeley is nothing but a cesspool of woke politics & socialists. Totally full of spouting B.S. propaganda. Why do you think San Francisco is a cesspool of drugs, drug addicts, Antifa, BLM, homelessness, defund the police, lawlessness, criminals, tent homeless encampments, human feces having to be power washed off the street and into the rain gutters so now they have their own poop island in the middle of the bay? Berkeley graduates!! And Quora spouting personal opinions? There is nothing in his online Wikipedia page of any of these allegations. US propaganda B.S. that always want to discredit anyone who doesn't agree with them. Fear and warmongering get them everywhere and everything they want but the people of the US know they're liars. They let their own people die from a toxic chemical spill. The corrupt FBI called parents who protested against the school board meeting for teaching their kindergarteners se*xual fluidity and has graphic se*x act instruction books for boys on boys and girls on girls were called "domestic terrorist" and their lives destroyed for wanting to protect their kids!! MF Please! And what bad things do you have to say about Colonel Douglas Macgregor?

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