Of course you know that dissenters in the US have similar complaints.

Thank you for making this point clear. Maybe if the people of the two nations realized how similar our histories and circumstances are, we could cooperate in peace.

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Several years ago, after the birth of the Tea Party, Ralph Nader suggested there were elements on the Left and Right who agreed on some important issues (like corporate control of government) and that they should unite, leaving their differences on social issues (the Culture Wars) aside. Sadly, the Culture Wars have become far too heated to allow that to happen.

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Maybe, but probably not. The conflict isn't between ordinary Russians and ordinary Americans, after all. Or ordinary Russians and ordinary Ukrainians, for that matter, except to the degree you can call a conscript "in conflict" with the man on the other side of the field.

The phrase that comes to mind is "a rich man's war, but a poor man's fight".

Aside from that, your comment really depends on which dissenters you mean. Far left dissenters think the government isn't doing enough to help the poor/minorities/women/etc, or that the government is too beholden to huge corporations, far right dissenters think the government is doing too much to make people dependent on it (which they claim is superficially similar to, but not actually, helping), or that it's strangling small corporations with regulations, conspiracy theorists think they're doing it all out of secret competent malice, and so on.

So, we at least have ideas (and the politicians have excuses) as to *why* things aren't changing for the better, when they aren't: the Other Side has power, and different priorities. There are obviously places where this excuse wears thin, though.

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I'm talking the more general sense of the helplessness and confusion of the people regarding the elites who rule them.

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What about our, the people's, tasks then? What about your task? You know so much how about going a bit further? Name them. Quantify them. They are a dozen? Or a hundred? Or hundreds? Either way, name them. And if they have no tasks what tasks do they supposedly have and why are they doing them? And if they are controlling without having tasks then what tasks/offices are they interfering with and what is the proper office holder doing?

We are all big on complaining these days.

Enough. The fault is ours. The people. Clear as day. Crystal clear. A mammoth clarity.

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"Reality — what a concept!" [Robin Williams]

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